Data coverage in Thailand,Spain,Japon,Australia,Peru,Canada,Turkey,Uganda,Tunisia,United Kingdom,Uruguay,Panama,Pakistan,Vietnam, over 150 countries.
No registration required, No APP needed.
Where do you need Internet?
choose your destination
It’s easy, less than 3 minutes.
Choose your package
Order eSIM data plan according to your destination country and time.
Get Started
Get eSIM QR Code
You will receive an email with your order details, eSIM QR code and installation guide.
Scan QR Code
Scan the QR code you have received using your compatible device.
What we offer?
Instant Activation
No more than 3 minutes to active the eSim.
Out-of-Box Connectivity
No APP, Not registration, just scan And GO.
Avoid High Roaming Bills
Low rate global data plans.
Multiple Networks
We are working directly with global tier 1 operators.
Global Coverage
Get connected in 150+ countries and regions around the world.
Fast Internet Connection
Connect to the best networks at your destination and get internet that’s fast.
Enjoy dual SIMs
Enjoy the flexibility of our digital eSIM while keeping the option to use your original SIM as usual whenever you need it.
24/7 Customer Support
Our support team is available every day across all time zones.
Save the planet
This virtual tool reduces CO2 emissions and plastic waste helping the planet breathe again.
How much data do you need?
Example given for information purposes, calculated on the basis of:
85MB/h for web browsing, 1MB/email, 5MB/song and 1GB/h for Streaming.
1 GB
12 hrs Browsing or,
1000 Emails or,
200 Songs
3 GB
36 hrs Browsing or,
3000 Emails or,
600 Songs or,
3 hrs Streaming
10 GB
120 hrs Browsing or,
10000 Emails or,
2000 Songs or,
10 hrs Streaming