Always connected wherever you go!

Enjoy internet connectivity on every journey with quality coverage around the world.

Get Started

Data coverage in Thailand,Spain,Japon,Australia,Peru,Canada,Turkey,Uganda,Tunisia,United Kingdom,Uruguay,Panama,Pakistan,Vietnam, over 150 countries.
No registration required, No APP needed.


Where do you need Internet?

choose your destination

It’s easy, less than 3 minutes.

Choose your package

Order eSIM data plan according to your destination country and time.

Get Started

Get eSIM QR Code

You will receive an email with your order details, eSIM QR code and installation guide.

Scan QR Code

Scan the QR code you have received using your compatible device.

What we offer?

Instant Activation

No more than 3 minutes to active the eSim.

Out-of-Box Connectivity

No APP, Not registration, just scan And GO.

Avoid High Roaming Bills

Low rate global data plans.

Multiple Networks

We are working directly with global tier 1 operators.

Global Coverage

Get connected in 150+ countries and regions around the world.

Fast Internet Connection

Connect to the best networks at your destination and get internet that’s fast.

Enjoy dual SIMs

Enjoy the flexibility of our digital eSIM while keeping the option to use your original SIM as usual whenever you need it.

24/7 Customer Support

Our support team is available every day across all time zones.

Save the planet

This virtual tool reduces CO2 emissions and plastic waste helping the planet breathe again.

How much data do you need?

Example given for information purposes, calculated on the basis of:
85MB/h for web browsing, 1MB/email, 5MB/song and 1GB/h for Streaming.

1 GB

12 hrs Browsing or,

1000 Emails or,

200 Songs

3 GB

36 hrs Browsing or,

3000 Emails or,

600 Songs or,

3 hrs Streaming

10 GB

120 hrs Browsing or,

10000 Emails or,

2000 Songs or,

10 hrs Streaming

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an eSIM?
An eSIM is a SIM card directly integrated into your device by the manufacturer. It does not need to be inserted into your smartphone and can be programmed remotely. The operation of the eSIM is identical to a physical SIM card. Only the installation of the eSIM profile and the activation is slightly different.
How many countries or regions do you cover?
We cover ~150 countries with ever changing commercial agreements.
Can a user reinstall an eSIM after it is already deleted from a device?
eSIMs CAN be reinstalled from the same QR code they were installed with, in the case they were deleted.
Can I make phone calls or send SMS with your eSIM service?
No, currently is for cellular data service only. However, you can use VoIP apps such as WhatsApp or Skype to make voice calls and text.
Is hotspot sharing available after the eSIM enabled?
Yes, hotspot sharing is available in all countries and regions.
Can I get refund if I already activated my data plan?
No, it is not refundable once you activate your data plan. Make sure you get your right plan before you activate it.
I'm not able to access to the internet when there is still data left.
It means you have used up all your data for most of the time. Sometimes data usage is not in real-time measurement. For precise data usage, you can go to system Setting->Cellular to check your data consumption.
I'm experiencing loss of connectivity, bad signal and low speed.
Try to move to different locations until you get enough signal bars to connect to 3G or 4G/LTE. Any limited coverage area or no coverage area will be resulting in bad connectivity. Our you can restart your device.
What devices support eSIM
Check if your device says “Dual eSIM” or “Dual SIM with eSIM”

Devices starting in 2019 supporting eSIM

Apple iPhone Xr, Xs or newer
Pixel 4 or newer
Samsung Fold or newer
Huawei P40 or newer
Is there an app to help manage my eSIM?
No, is not necessary. The process is to easy and we send all the information to the email provided.
Can i check the Data available in my plan?
Yes, you can check the data available with the ICCID, you have the information in the email that you received after order plan.
When does my data plan start?
Starts at the moment of eSIM activation by scanning the QR code on your smartphone.
When will I receive my eSIM?
Once you purchase an eSIM, you will receive it immediately to your email address. You then just need to scan the QR code to activate the SIM.
Can I keep my WhatsApp number?
You don’t need to do anything to keep your WhatsApp number. You’ll automatically keep your number, contacts and conversations.
Can I use the eSIM if my phone is locked to a specific carrier?
Unfortunately, if your device is locked to a specific carrier, you won't be able to activate any eSIM data plans. The only solution is to reach out to your carrier to unlock your device promptly. Once your device is successfully unlocked, you'll be able to purchase and enjoy any compatible eSIM data plan of your choice.